blog-cybergurunewsletterThe July 2013 edition of the CyberGuru Newsletter has hit the inboxes everywhere! We are extremely grateful for all of the positive feedback we have received. The CyberGuru Newsletter was sent to clients who have used our solutions in the past, prospective clients who have expressed interest in our solutions and those who opted in via our website.


When we introduced the CyberGuru Blog, it replaced our quarterly CyberGuru Newsletter. The CyberGuru Blog brought considerable interest in CyberGuru and our computer solutions to prospective clients, but unfortunately our clients weren’t always able to be kept abreast of our news and happenings unless they accessed our website on a regular basis.

At the time of the launch of the CyberGuru Blog, social networking was quite new. More recently we have embraced LinkedIn and Twitter as part of our business. Further details of this can be found on our recent CyberGuru Blog post, Increasing our online presence by embracing social networking.

Earlier in the year, we launched our new website integrating both the CyberGuru Blog and social networking, so we thought it was timely to reintroduce the CyberGuru Newsletter. The now monthly newsletter will feature the latest updates from the CyberGuru website, the CyberGuru Blog and more.

If you would like to read this issue, you can view it for a limited time.

If you haven’t already subscribed and are keen on doing so, you may register via the CyberGuru Newsletter website.