Increase your cyber security

Over the course of COVID-19, we are seeing many people and organisations increasing their use of technology particularly for remote working and collaboration. Over the coming articles, we will be share important considerations when securing your ICT environment by enabling the various functionality in order to remain secure and protected.

We are seeing an increased number of attempts by hackers to log in to unauthorised services or trying to circumvent security measures put in place.

In Microsoft 365, one way to monitor this is to turn on audit logging for your environment. Up until recently, this was not configured by default. This can be configured in the Microsoft Security & Compliance Centre if you are an administrator and becomes available a few hours’ after being turned on.

Once configured, a log of all user and admin activity in your organisation will be recorded and is accessible in both the Office 365 audit log and as a report. Audit logging can be useful to determine when people are accessing their email or data, incorrect login attempts and when files are deleted intentionally. If you are concerned about unexpected activity in your environment, then it is a valuable source of information in helping diagnose issues should any concerns arise.

Depending on your subscription, the data can be retained for 90 days up to one year.

CyberGuru can assist with implementing audit logging and other security measures in your organisation. In addition, we provide consulting, support and training in the use of these as well as best practices to ensure you and your organisation can full advantage of technology.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.