Is your Windows 7 PC out of support?

If you are running Windows 7 past the 14 January 2020 cut-off for support, you may notice that Microsoft has begun placing full-screen messages on computers stating “Your Windows 7 PC is out of support”.

As noted in this message, Microsoft has ended support for Windows 7 and your PC is now more vulnerable to viruses and malware due to the absence of security updates and tech support from Microsoft. If you receive this message we strongly recommend you take action immediately. This will ensure you have the latest security features and protection against malicious software.

CyberGuru can assist you with upgrading your computer to Windows 10 or the purchasing and setting up a new Windows 10 PC based on your requirements, along with transferring the necessary programs and data across to the new PC. In addition, we will provide you with training and support going forward to ensure you are best place to take advantage of the new operating system.

We can assist you both face-to-face and remotely, depending on your location and urgency.

Please contact us today for more information or to make a booking.