Tag Archives: software

How do you find the right software that will work for you?

How do you find the right software that will work for you?

We’ve all been there. You’ve seen something online that looks amazing, you buy it and when it finally arrives and you open up box there’s that sense of disappointment. It might look exactly like it did online, it might have a stack of great reviews, but the reality is it isn’t going to do what […]

Five new year’s resolutions for your computer systems

Recent research has found 80% of people fail to meet their New Year’s resolutions, with most quitting by 19 January. So now that you’ve got those out of the way, let’s talk about some resolutions for this year you could realistically achieve. Here are five new year’s resolutions for your computer systems: Multi-factor authentication In […]

Ask CyberGuru: Do I need to update my modem router’s firmware?

Ask CyberGuru

CyberGuru was recently asked, “I saw in magazine recently that it suggested that you should ‘update your [modem] router’s firmware to fix security defects as well as provide optimum speed and performance’. Is this the case and how do you do this?” Yes, it is important to be looking to update your modem router, along with […]