Taking control of your email

These days we all struggle with the sheer volume of emails in our inboxes. Over the next few weeks we will discuss strategies to reduce this volume, starting with the Clutter tool in Outlook 2013 and 2016.

Found in Outlook 2013 and 2016 is the Clutter folder, where low priority messages are automatically sent. Outlook filters out these messages by looking at information such as the sender, whether you’ve previously corresponded with the email address and the importance of the message. It will never send emails from yourself, your management chain or your direct reports to the Clutter folder.

Similar to the Junk mail folder, you can move messages to and from the Clutter folder and Outlook will remember this for next time. This feature is enabled by default and if you wish to opt out must be manually turned off.

The Clutter folder is only available to those with an Office 365 subscription. This is one of several new features that will only be available to Office 365 users as they come online.

If you would like to upgrade to Office 2016 or Office 365, please contact us to discuss this. CyberGuru can also provide training to help you make the most of your Office environment, no matter which version of Office you use.

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